Guess what? Mommy brought me to a baking class last sat morning. Its organised by AlphaBake and the class is held at one of the classroom in Jacob Ballas, The Children's Garden. We reached there slightly early and the teacher and facilators were still preparing for class....
Me and my silly look......

Ok!! Thats me and my new chef look. How? How do you think i look now? I wasnt really paying attention to mommy the moment i step into the classroom. I'm more interested in the dough, and accessories placed on the table. Before the class had even start, my dough is in a very bad shape with plenty of holes which are poked by me using my mighty finger.....Aiya...just trying to see if the dough is ready for cookies making mah.....

A blur look before the lesson starts...
Ok....i thought we can get our hands on the dough when the class starts...but who knows we have to gather in front and do some exercising and dances....."Do my cookies...skip to the doo...."
Listening attentively....
Teacher demonstrating and i have to pay attention....
Eh.......How come the teacher keep looking at me ah....Think i'm the only one listening to the teacher. Look at the pics....the little boy in blue is rubbing his eyes/....the jiejie is scratching her forehead....the other standing beside is looking elsewhere.....only me....I'm looking at the teacher..

Hands at work...
Making the star....thats part of the xmas tree cookies.
mommy n me taking turns to make the stars.....i really wonder who's attending the baking class....mommy or me.
Trying to make a small rd shape
trying out all shapes...Squeeze the dough with my fingers....
Mommy was alittle bit amazed with what i did during the class. She has never seen me so engross or focus in doing something......She made the right choice la....i like what i'm doing le....
I made all these with only a little help from mommy.
Thats my creation...I'm done?
Me hiao.....i requested mommy to take a pic with my thomas bag during break time....but it didnt turn out to be nice le
Mommy, me, Jonas and Fion Auntie. Remember Jonas is my ex busybuddies buddy.
At work again. This time rd, we have to decorate the cookies....
This is the top of the xmas tree....mommy says i have to do it nicely else my xmas tree will not look nice. see how FOCUS i am
Touch up the top with some icing
Ops...caught in action. I sneaked some M&Ms chocolate into my mouth when i thought everyone is bz with their cookies....
Caught again....i end up eating up almost the whole container of chocolate
Thats my Xmas Tree!!! I decorate it with some help form mommy to stack the cookies up nicely.
Putting some icing on the baseplate so that the xmas tree cookie can stay in place when i bring it out to take photo.
Class photo!! I'm the one without the chef hat and thats cos its simply too big for me. It dropped off from my head the moment i tilted my head to see the camera. Hehe
Me and my silly look......
Ok!! Thats me and my new chef look. How? How do you think i look now? I wasnt really paying attention to mommy the moment i step into the classroom. I'm more interested in the dough, and accessories placed on the table. Before the class had even start, my dough is in a very bad shape with plenty of holes which are poked by me using my mighty finger.....Aiya...just trying to see if the dough is ready for cookies making mah.....
A blur look before the lesson starts...
Hands at work...
Making the star....thats part of the xmas tree cookies.

Trying to make a small rd shape

I had my lunch at the waiting area of the garden while waiting for daddy and didi to come. I cant wait to show my creations to did
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