Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Great Grandfather's 87th Birthday Celebration

We celebrated Lao Gong's 87th birthday last sunday. This is the Cake of the Day!! Yum Yum and the Present of the Day, drawn by me....Nice ah! He He
Well, i had a fever the day before and was not feeling well on that day too as i had a upset stomach and nose that runs like a tap....."sob sob"

The Buffet of the Day!!
And Finally the Man of the day.....
We and Lao Gong ......Didi simply excited over his red egg
Singing birthday song....well we had a large crowd but mommy did not understand why everyone seems to be hiding behind her while she took photos....

Ok...finally some "shy" YiYis and Lao YiYIs
Mah Mah and Lao Gong
While waiting for the cake, didi eagerly passed the red egg to lao yi to help him peel the shell so that he can eat the egg....
Waiting patiently.....
Gobble down the egg while i give him a slight punch to that mommy can snap a shot of the yolk from his mouth.....heheheh

And i am hiding at a corner eating some satays....shsss....."cant let mommy or Mah Mah know before i get a nag".....
GreatGrandmother and her daughters......

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